Sample Boards

With the developments of my samples I have placed them on boards to display them in the final show so many people are able to see my development and understand where I got my inspiration from. I do feel that my FMP has been mainly of me exploring different ways to exaggerate the silhouette and that is the reason why I have many sample boards. I wanted to show all my samples and how I was able to crate my garments. I do feel the samples are the most important aspect of making as you are able to try your theory out and see if the technique would work which then helps you decide if you can carry that technique out in the final collection. 

In my sample board collection, I have picked the samples that link to final collection that ones that I have used to further generate my final collection. Those few samples are the ones that inspired me to create my garments like the way they are. 


In my opinion I have enjoyed picking the ones that I like the most and the ones that I feel represent my garments the most it was hard as I wanted to put all my samples on the board but I picked the ones that are very eye-catching and inspirational. 

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