Final show

After many changes and origination of my display board I was able to finally place all my work and garments.

First I placed all my pictures together with that I looked at how I will display all my work if  I will be adding decorations and fully cover the board or keep it simple and clean.


This is the first set up that I did, it was to spaced out and very plain. in my opinion I felt that my display was very boxy I did not have much wow factor also it did not show much of my work for instant the talent of drawings and all the samples I have done.

Within that in mind I got my peers opinions on that and the tutors opinion, I then changed around the images and also took the samples out of the sample boards and start playing them singularly around the work.



I also moved around the secondary images I collected from my concept board around to show the texture I was inspired from I then also photocopied images from my primary research and placed them around. with bring all the images together I was liking how it looked as it showed a strong sense of primary and secondary research.


The final out look of my display board is mostly focused on my samples and drawings but it shows the investigation that I did at the beginning which leaded me to create my final collection.

Overall I enjoyed setting up my working and taking my time choosing my work carefully that will link to my work and show the amount of work I have done and how I got my inspiration from. I have also added a new drawing as well which is the image on the tip right corner which I did last week and I also placed petals and pearls around the head.